
Inside Sales Specialist

Full Time Oklahoma City, OK, United States of America
38,000 - 90,000 (Yearly) Added 2 weeks, 1 day ago


Hybrid (Monday-Wednesday onsite in Oklahoma City, OK; Thursday-Friday remote)


High school diploma or equivalent; college business course or undergraduate degree preferred. Experience in floral operations or outbound B2B telemarketing/telephone sales is a plus. Strong written, verbal, analytical, and interpersonal skills required.


Conduct outbound calls to establish rapport with florists, become familiar with Teleflora's products, meet sales quotas, utilize call tracking software, prepare reports, and communicate with other departments to meet needs.


Floral Delivery Services


Join Teleflora as a B2B sales representative to conduct telephone sales to member florists, supporting them with marketing and technology solutions while enjoying a competitive salary and hybrid work schedule.

Company Description

Teleflora, with a nationwide network of florists, has become the world’s largest flower delivery service. With more than 10,000 member florists in North America, we lead the industry by working directly with our florists to hand-arrange and hand deliver every bouquet! We’re a sustainable network of locally owned florists. Teleflora provides innovative marketing, education and technology to make sure our member florists get the resources they need to thrive, creating beautiful bouquets with keepsake vases delivered to your door.

We are looking for enthusiastic, outgoing candidates who love to sell! In this exciting B2B sales role, your focus will be conducting telephone sales for various products offered by Teleflora to our member florists. You'll have the option of working a hybrid work schedule of Monday-Wednesday in the Oklahoma City office, and Thursday-Friday from home! You'll be earning an hourly rate plus commission (yearly wages $38,000-$90,000, with an average of $56,000), while working a 40 hour work week. We would love to have you join our team!

Job Description

  • Establish a high level of rapport and trust with the Teleflora florists while making outbound calls
  • Become familiar with the entire product line that Teleflora sells as well as other services offered
  • Meet/exceed the daily, weekly and monthly quotas that are established for contacts and sales
  • Meet/exceed the daily expected percentage of time on the telephones selling to the florist
  • Use every customer contact to reinforce the Teleflora commitment to customer service
  • Prepare reports as necessary for the Inside Sales department management
  • Utilize appropriate order entry; call tracking and contact management software
  • Participate in sales, product and process training as required
  • Communicate with other departments to help meet departmental needs



  • High school diploma or equivalent, college business course or an undergraduate degree a positive
  • Work experience in a floral operation or outbound business to business telemarketing/telephone sales experience a plus


  • Must work extended hours as business needs dictate
  • Possess strong written, verbal, analytical and interpersonal skills
  • Demonstrate strong organizational skills with the ability to handle multiple tasks
  • Excellent customer service skills (friendly, courteous and helpful)
  • Strong attention to detail including but not limited to accurate spelling and appropriate abbreviations
  • Basic computer literacy, basic math and writing skills
  • Excellent telephone skills and sales skills required
  • Ability to multi-task in a fast-paced, constantly changing environment
  • Must display a strong desire to achieve and maintain high levels of both internal and external customer satisfaction

Working Conditions:

  • Holiday time off may be limited due to increased order volume
  • Fast-paced, solution-oriented office environment

Additional Information
  • Competitive benefits package including Medical (including 24/7 online access to a physician), Vision, Dental and 401k with match eligibility
  • Opportunities for development and internal mobility
  • Manager and leadership training, biweekly L&OD webinars, and eLearning offerings
  • Companywide problem solving and continuous improvement training
  • Wonderful Giving ( - allowing you to donate company money to a cause of your choice
  • Company focus on wellness and health

Say everything and share your "Love Out Loud™" with the gift of Teleflora® flowers—all made by hand and delivered by hand by your local florist. With more than 10,000 member florists in North America alone, Teleflora offers the kind of personal touches, artistry and expertise you expect from a trusted neighborhood florist—even if that neighborhood is across the country. No prepackaged flowers in nondescript boxes dropped on your doorstep—Teleflora's network of professional florists creates artistic arrangements personally delivered in a vase, often on the same day. Teleflora makes every day an occasion with a two-in-one gift that includes a multipurpose keepsake container for long-lasting enjoyment. For more, visit:, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook and tag your own #LoveOutLoud moment.

Teleflora has been part of The Wonderful Company since 1979. The Wonderful Company is an Equality Opportunity Employer that provides opportunities for advancement. We are committed to creating a diverse workforce that embodies a deep culture of acceptance, equity, and inclusion. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, or other protected categories.

All your information will be kept confidential according to EEO guidelines.

EEO is the law - click here for more information

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